Some people are lawyers or bankers or underwater circus clowns.
That is what they do for a living (underwater clowns make good money if you’re searching for work). They have a single and steady career and that is all well and good. But that is not the life for Jon Stahl. Jon wears many hats and what he “does” depends upon the day of the week and even the time of day. Some days Jon works with elementary school kids on their reading (he was a teacher for 15 years in both New York City and Los Angeles). Other days he works on a movie he is writing or shooting or editing. He has made many films of many different genres that have played across the world and have even won a few awards. Still other days he is a writer, thinking up a new, often silly, tale to tell to kids. He likes those days very much.
And plenty of weekdays (and every weekend and most early mornings) he is a dad. He loves those days and hours the most.
Jon’s two children, Sophie and Charlie, are silly and spirited and emotional and funny and sometimes whiny and sometimes poopy and often fun-loving and curious and always, always, always the loves of his life. As, too, is his amazing wife, Wendy. His dog, Lucy, barks too much.
Jon lives with Sophie and Charlie and Wendy and Lucy in Massachusetts.
Photo credit: wendy stahl